
Hello There, Book Travelers!

We've been waiting for an opportunity to share ideas with Christian book lovers in this community and surrounding areas for quite some time, and it's finally here! At Abundant Life Ministry's Book Club, we consider ourselves on an endless but exciting journey into imaginary as well as down-to-earth worlds woven by Christian authors of fiction and non-fiction. We've laughed and cried together over books such as Martyr's Song by Ted Dekker, and Frank Peretti's novels, This Present Darkness and Piercing the Darkness.

Two months at a time, our book club alternates between a fiction and non-fiction book. Then, once a month (Tuesdays at 7 pm), we meet over refreshments to fellowship and share our thoughts on whatever book we're reading.

The Uncharted Journeys Continue!

Friday, January 4, 2013

Friday, January 4th, 2013

Happy New Year!  This past year, ALM's Book Club has not been able to meet formally due to other ministry commitments.  However, that has not stopped passionate readers from searching out inspiring Christian fiction and nonfiction books, reading them, and recommending them to one another.  One of such books, coming all the way from the bookshelf of a covenant sister in Virginia, has really made its impact.

The book, entitled "The Reluctant Demon Diaries" by Linda Rios Brook, is a two-in-one account of a timid fallen angel who is terrified at finding himself on the wrong side of Lucifer's rebellion against God.  Having been given the job of watching Earth and reporting its events to his new master, he narrates the major events, always looking for the opportunity when he can present himself before God and ask to be accepted back into heaven.

While reading about these events from the Bible, I've been inspired to do my part in keeping the enemy defeated in my life and in the lives of others through intercession.  The enemy is afraid of intercession more than anything because he knows it moves God to do things on humanity's behalf  that He already wants to do.  This book is definitely one that we'll be passing on to others this month.  Grab this book from your nearest bookstore and read with us.  The uncharted journeys continue in 2013!


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