
Hello There, Book Travelers!

We've been waiting for an opportunity to share ideas with Christian book lovers in this community and surrounding areas for quite some time, and it's finally here! At Abundant Life Ministry's Book Club, we consider ourselves on an endless but exciting journey into imaginary as well as down-to-earth worlds woven by Christian authors of fiction and non-fiction. We've laughed and cried together over books such as Martyr's Song by Ted Dekker, and Frank Peretti's novels, This Present Darkness and Piercing the Darkness.

Two months at a time, our book club alternates between a fiction and non-fiction book. Then, once a month (Tuesdays at 7 pm), we meet over refreshments to fellowship and share our thoughts on whatever book we're reading.

The Noticer Chapter 5

Monday, March 1, 2010

In this chapter, wisdom is the principal thing.  According to Andy Andrews, it's the ability to see into the future and discern the consequences of our actions BEFORE making choices -- especially life-altering ones.  Many of us know to stay away from obviously evil things that have the potential to destroy us. But it's the subtle choices whose consequences are not that easy to see which require much more time. 

I think this is such an important chapter, because somewhere along the line we need to pass on to our children the fact that it's never too early to begin thinking ahead of time about what they want out of life, and teaching them to ask for God's help in making those choices.  Many people, myself included, wonder why it's so hard for people to remain committed to anything -- especially marriage.  But the author makes an awesome point: the commitment wouldn't be as hard to do if the choice made were the right one to begin with.  Anyway, I think we'll all agree that serious decisions need to be treated with more seriousness.  If I chose a hairdo that really doesn't complement me, i'd only be stuck with it for a few weeks.  But friends and potential sweethearts must be chosen very carefully, for they'll stick to you like glue that can't be washed out as easily.

Your thoughts, Book Travelers...   


Anonymous said...

As I read this chapter my thoughts went back over the old me & desicions i've made. Boy was there ever some bad ones. I praise God for the changes he's made & is still making within me. I do think more these days but most of all I find myself sitting still and quit before just doing or saying whatever it may be. While we can'tchange ANYTHING about the past we can let go of it and follow God and live in blessings & joy.

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