
Hello There, Book Travelers!

We've been waiting for an opportunity to share ideas with Christian book lovers in this community and surrounding areas for quite some time, and it's finally here! At Abundant Life Ministry's Book Club, we consider ourselves on an endless but exciting journey into imaginary as well as down-to-earth worlds woven by Christian authors of fiction and non-fiction. We've laughed and cried together over books such as Martyr's Song by Ted Dekker, and Frank Peretti's novels, This Present Darkness and Piercing the Darkness.

Two months at a time, our book club alternates between a fiction and non-fiction book. Then, once a month (Tuesdays at 7 pm), we meet over refreshments to fellowship and share our thoughts on whatever book we're reading.

The Journey to Removing Curses Begins!

Saturday, June 5, 2010

Hi, Book Travelers!

Before we even get into the book, Ten Curses that Block the Blessing, we need to begin to understand what a curse is.  It can be defined as a negative spoken prediction of what someone desires to see come to pass in another's life.  An example of this can be seen in what Jesus did to the fig tree in one of the gospels.  Or it can be a situation that one walks into as a result of his or her actions.  The only example I can think of in the Bible is Judas Iscariot, when he betrayed Christ.  I don't believe that he could have done anything to erase that curse off of his life, so the only thing he could have done was take his own life in order to relieve the agony he was feeling.

Deuteronomy 28 tells of the choices of blessing and cursing that we inherit because of one word: OBEDIENCE.  Let's examine our lives and ask God to open our hearts, dealing with us in this area, so that the curses the enemy has planted to stop us from experiencing all of God can be removed.

We'll be discussing this topic for the next few weeks, so get ready...


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