
Hello There, Book Travelers!

We've been waiting for an opportunity to share ideas with Christian book lovers in this community and surrounding areas for quite some time, and it's finally here! At Abundant Life Ministry's Book Club, we consider ourselves on an endless but exciting journey into imaginary as well as down-to-earth worlds woven by Christian authors of fiction and non-fiction. We've laughed and cried together over books such as Martyr's Song by Ted Dekker, and Frank Peretti's novels, This Present Darkness and Piercing the Darkness.

Two months at a time, our book club alternates between a fiction and non-fiction book. Then, once a month (Tuesdays at 7 pm), we meet over refreshments to fellowship and share our thoughts on whatever book we're reading.

Chapter 1

Sunday, February 7, 2010

How many of you have had the chance to read chapter 1 of the book The Noticer? Good for you. Even if you haven't, here is some food for thought. What is it about yourself that you know others would change about you if they could? In other words, what causes you to stop short of God's glory? Do you think that disqualifies you from being and doing everything that He wants you to be and do?

What about the problems you have had or are having right now? If you're like me, it's easy to think our dreams are far from being realized due to all the issues and pitstops. But according to Jones in this book (who by the way represents Christ), it may only look like barren sand, but it has the seed or promise of fertile ground in it. In other words, it's your valley experience that gives you the chance to hope and look for something better -- to grow, actually.

So if you're at a place of failure today, and all around you looks like barren sand, be encouraged. Learn. Dream. Believe. PREPARE for rain like Noah did, when all he saw around him was dry ground. Just because it's never been done before doesn't mean it can't be done by you. Remember: "all things are POSSIBLE to those who believe" (Mark 9:23). Respond to this blog with comments and praise reports of your own...


Anonymous said...

Got to read this book...

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